On the second day of Rosh Hashana, past the festive new year’s dinner with family in Tel Aviv, the Kotel where we prayed and heard the Shofar and a tour with a Greek nun in the old city’s special spots on the first day of the year, my daughters and I felt the urge to reconnect to nature, in a special way, that would give us a great bodily feeling to the start of the year.
We felt our spirit was fully in sync with the new year vibe and felt we had to get our bodies in sync too!
We got on the car and drove south to the Dead Sea our favorite wellness spot in the vicinity of our Jerusalem home!
We love the dead sea, we love the way to the sea, the vast empty spaces, the Bedouins and their goat flocks on the mountains, the date fields, and the view to the sea as we drive down to the lowest spot on earth.
We chose once again Kalia beach, our favorite swimming spot there. We love Kalia’s hospitable atmosphere, cleanliness, cosmopolitan character and respect of the shore and sea. It is well kept, has affordable prices, and one can enjoy the extra services offered at the spot, like massages, a bar and a restaurant with great views.
We of course cherish the sea, the free mud available in abundance, with which we cover ourselves up from head to toe feeling a sense of nurturing and well being.
We also love the fact that in Kalia one meets people from all over the world. This time around I met women from some African exotic spot on earth and chatted happily in the sea as we were all mudding ourselves up with the black, blessed, sulphur paste.
We also met fellow Jerusalemites, and wished each other a good year ahead, filled with peace, as we both agreed that Jews, Christians and Muslims could live harmoniously side by side on this land.
From the perspective of wellness and inclusivity that the Dead Sea and Kalia beach afforded us, there was room for all of us here: relaxed, loving, accepting and welcoming of each other in the holy land.
If only we can carry on with these wellness qualities beyond Kalia beach and the Dead Sea in 5780, the year that just ushered is indeed going to be a great one for all!