About Yvette

Yvette was born and raised in Athens, Greece in 1970. A graduate of Athens College high school, Yvette holds a BA in Psychology from the American College of Greece, and a Masters in Jewish Civilization from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Yvette also studied at Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies where she acquired her love for studying and interpreting Jewish texts and is a gradute of the Grinberg Method of Bodywork, (Stage 1) and a Reiki Master.

In her writings Yvette weaves together her background in Psychology, Jewish Studies and the spiritual realm of life. Women’s wisdom, cooperation and community-building play a predominant role in her writings.

Yvette aspires to sustainable living through her food garden and local community-building. A mother of three daughters, Nahmia-Messinas, enjoys sharing her perspective in the press. Yvette contributes op-eds and blog posts published frequently in the Jerusalem Post. From Jerusalem With Love, is her personal blog.

Yvette’s personal, intimate, local stories echo Jerusalem’s spirit and resonate with people who love people, love building bridges and weaving relations among people and communities throughout the world.