September 20, 2023 ❤ מרפא אני מרפא אני מרפא אני קודם כל לעצמי לומדת, מתרחבת, מתחדשת בגופי משתפת אחרים בתהליך שלי דרך הוראה הנחיית קבוצות .מעגלי נשים מרפא…
September 18, 2023 ❤ Goodbye Dear Aunt Eftychia Nahmia-Nachman The English text follows the Greek one. Με μεγάλη θλίψη, αλλά συγχρόνως με μεγάλη ευγνωμοσύνη που ΄ήταν μέρος της ζωής μου, της οικογένειας Ναχμία…
September 18, 2023 ❤ Family, Friends and Community and Coming out of Depression Another New Year’s eve spent with our dear family in Tel Aviv. Here I am pictured with my beloved great aunt Frida Camhi, a…
September 6, 2023 ❤ Arcadia In March 2022, Shlomit Steinberg, the Hans Dichand Senior Curator of European Art, at the #Israel Museum and a colleague of mine turned to me and…
September 5, 2023 ❤ Happy New Year 5784 from the Nahmia-Messinas Yvette, Elias, Maya, Noa and Eden Messinas, Wish you a Healthy, Happy and Regenerative* New Year 5784! May our paths cross this year in…
December 19, 2021 ❤ Menopause Blues Menopause Blues Fifty plus, it’s a fact, my fertility is waning, periods come seldom now; birthing belongs to my past. …
September 23, 2021 ❤ The Book Club, the Equinox, Sukkot and Unity Consciousness The Book Club “There was something special about our book club up until recently. I enjoyed being part of a diverse group of women…
August 4, 2021 ❤ On My Summer Journey to Return Home to Myself I had a difficult winter this year. The coronavirus created lots of stress for me which ended up in my system collapsing from anxiety…
February 18, 2021 ❤ Soft Snow Soft snow sooothe our soul. Heal our aching spirit cleanse us as we go. White snowflakes falling softly release all burden from our shoulders…
January 30, 2021 ❤ Reimagining Life from the New Noah’s Ark It occurred to me last night that I feel as if I am in Noah’s ark along with all of you these days. Our…