❤ A Doctor, a Healer and a Hanukkah Miracle

Last Saturday I was sure I had it again. Another UTI. Being the healer that I am, I began by giving myself an energy healing and drinking lots of water. I tried it for a week, but without success. This Saturday, a week past my initial discomfort, I finally succumbed. I was ready to opt for a conventional treatment with antibiotics and all. I was finally ready to see a doctor.

Jerusalem is an interesting and intricate city with multiple cultural realities coexisting in parallel.

The same principle applies to its medical health services. We headed to a clinic on Abu Tor Street where all doctors and staff are Arab and treat primarily the Arab population of the neighborhood.

I love the culture of Arab doctors. They take a real interest in their patients. Following a urine examination, and after a gentle nurse took my blood pressure, height and weight, the doctor agreed I had an infection and prescribed me antibiotics. I felt relieved.

Now we had to find on open pharmacy in Jerusalem on Shabbat.

To our surprise, there was one that opened at 9am, fifty meters down the road from the Clalit clinic. There too, we got a VIP treatment and felt cordially welcomed. On our way back we bought falafel and bagels at Mohamad’s bagel stand that would later be part of my Shabbat breakfast past swallowing my first antibiotic pill at home.

The doctor’s visit on Saturday, manifests what Jerusalem can provide its residents when we embrace all of its parts! I was grateful to our Arab cohabitants of the city for working on Saturdays and manning the country’s clinics with their dedicated care! And was grateful that my husband had accompanied me to and back from the doctor’s on foot.

At 10 am my phone rang. I had made an appointment with my healer friend from Aegina, Greece, Lizzy Koster. Lizzy is an energy healer who can even treat you from afar. Lizzy diagnosed me with the help of a pendulum that provided us with answers as the session unfolded. I was guided towards releasing accumulated stress from parts of my body.  Lizzy’s diagnosis and intuitive reflections on my energy blocks were honestly, right on. With Lizzy’s encouragement, I did quite a lot of “letting go” work. Again I felt relieved.

I love this combined experience of healing.

I love combining the Western medical perspective addressing symptoms and acting drastically to relieve them, with the Eastern holistic perspective pointing to the causes and patterns behind the symptoms at hand.

It’s not either Western medicine or Eastern energetic healing for me, but rather it’s their creative synergy. The combination of their respective wisdom can create miracles!

We are in the midst of Hanukkah and lighting our Hanukkiah as I write these words.

I now seem to get it. The light of one candle does not compete with the light of the other candles. Rather, the light of the one adds up to, lights up and increases the light of the other candles. Our Hanukkiah candles work synergistically and not antagonistically.

I close my eyes and pray for a miracle to occur in our culture! For us to embrace the holistic, energetic healing hand in hand with the medical treatment of our maladies. For medicine and healing, doctors and healers,  to work not in competition, but synergistically.

Imagine what great light their combined impact could create, what an unprecedented healing that would bring to our bodies, souls and societies!

From Jerusalem with love,


Yvette Nahmia-Messinas



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